Jackso.com was a new Hong Kong a deal-of-the-day website featuring discounted gift certificates usable at local businesses, targeted to teenagers and young adults launched in 2009.
I created the brand guideline including the brand logo and offline Stationeries."Jack So" sounds like a Cantonese male name, and the pronunciation means "good deal" in Cantonese. As young adults are the targeted audiences, the client demanded a cartoon image (the "Jack So" guy) included in the logo with bright colour such as orange and lime green.
The client was delighted about the brand guide and gave me very positive feedback.
Below: Namecard
Below: Stationeries
Below: Brand guideline cover.
Below: Basic logo information, placement, fonts, colours in the brand guideline.
Below: The supergraphic placement pages in the brand guideline.
Below: Name card, Letterhead, Envelope in in the brand guideline.
Below: Name card, Letterhead, Envelope in in the brand guideline.