IKKO (born Kazuyuki Toyoda ) is a Japanese cross dresser and make-up artist, also a famous TV personality. IKKO’s charming style and his/her talent of showcasing the elegant and beauty of feminine makes his/her appearance in events filled by enthusiastic Japanese fans.
I was working for DFS on serveral “IKKO Events” from 2010-2013, mainly located in their Japanese customers most visited stores, such as the galleria in Hawaii, Okinawa, and Guam.
The feminine graphic and colour pattern I created fits well with IKKO’s image and fans collected the souvenir from the events.
Below: Printed materials - Posters, Adverts, Lightboxes, gift (Hand fan), Flyers, booklet etc for the events.
Below: Mobile App interface/ UI design.
This app is to promote IKKO’s recommanded products.
Below: The hand holding fan with IKKO’s image as gift. (The fans loved it.)
Below: IKKO brings massive traffic to the stores.